Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Upcoming Book Release

Victorious Living for Moms: Letters To a Mother's Heart Anthology
Release date: May 3, 2011

Book Release Celebration: Saturday, April 30, 2011
Location: Tampa, FL
For more information contact: Cheryl A. Pullins at

Monday, November 1, 2010

Co-Parenting; A Cute Word Poses A Not So Cute Situation

Recently I entered into a debate with one of my prized sparring partners in which we questioned if we’d allow a mate to co-parent a child that is not biologically his/hers. My sparring partner said her answer would depend on the motivation of the parent. Is involving the mate a ploy to win him or her back or are the adults genuine friends and the mate is the only man/woman in the child’s life other than the parent? She said she would consider the latter circumstance. Now my sparring partner comes from a non-traditional co-parenting situation that couldn’t be better if Sherwood Schwartz wrote it himself. Her parents divorced re-married and both stepparents treated her as if she were theirs. Even after her dad’s second marriage dissolved, her first stepmother continued and continues to be a major integral in her life.

It really is something to think about, if one is willing to volunteer [himself] to include another being intrinsically into their lives especially when it is a situation one can avoid by exiting the relationship or because biologically there is no obligation on the part of the mate.

I say no, if the child is not biological; recalling having been in a similar situation some fifteen years ago. I was dating a man for a few months when he revealed to me that he had been heavily involved with his ex-girlfriend’s son’s life for the two years he dated the mother. And although my mate had no intentions or desire to date the mother, he wanted to be involved with the son, because he liked and loved the son and cared that the mother had generously shared him with my mate. As warm-hearted as this sounded, I listened intently and swiftly issued an ultimatum that my mate choose between continuing to date me or to be involved in the boy’s life and navigate a possible expectation of relationship from and with the boy’s mother.

When I think of the situation I faced my stance sounds selfish. But would I change my answer today? For I had found a jewel, a man I liked would possibly love, with all of his teeth, educated, good credit, spiritual, heterosexual and a handsome guy who had not been married and here’s the kicker—drum roll please—no children! And now this man is asking me to share him with a child that is not his. I think not! Clearly I had come out of a troubled relationship surrounding children, no children, maybe but I thought far ahead. Would I want to enter this situation and was I in the heart and mindset to deal with what could be a number of unforeseen complications? I opted not, issued my ultimatum and held my breath. He chose me. We eventually married and have been for twelve years.
Again, when I think of it today it sounds selfish. I don’t know how that young man has turned out but I do know that my husband would have been a positive influence on his life. However, as selfish as my choice was, my choice would be the same today. I believed then and believe now, my then boyfriend maintaining a relationship with a child that is not biologically his posed a situation I didn’t have to deal with and didn’t want to. I’m not speaking of a step-parent situation. I am speaking of a situation where the agreement between two people is verbal and for the most part one-sided in terms of rights, influence and could be based on the biological parent’s mood. I wasn’t interested in having another woman dictate any terms in our household based on the fact that her son was a fixture. Now if my then boyfriend had chosen the boy, I would have been sad but I would have eventually realized that was not the situation, relationship or man for me.

This is Toni Staton Harris Checkin’ Up and Checkin’ In on Co-parenting, Traditional or Non-traditional; is it for you?

Monday, August 9, 2010

What's your child reading??

What type of books does your son/daughter read? Do you check? Or just because they are actually reading your not concerned about what it is they might be reading. I actually just had a 14 y/o tell me that her favorite author is Zane............OK now put the brakes on!!!! Some of Zane books are to much for me let alone a 14 y/o child. It is up to (us) the parent to make sure that our child is reading age appropriate material. So I ask you today....what's your child reading??

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Addressing Fellow Parents...We are all in this together

My daughter and I have the type of relationship that mom’s dream of. My little lady is a fourteen-year-old honor roll student getting ready to embark on her high school years. She’s excited and nervous all at the same time. Will I make new friends, will I make the cheer team, will I be able to continue my honors courses with all that high school pressure? Can you say STRESSFUL? Remember, I said that my daughter is fourteen. Parents, lets face it. Our kids deal with a ton of stress, and you may not even be aware of it. Everyday my husband and I sound like a broken record. How was school? Anything happen? Anything you want to talk about? We then sit back and wait for the latest MIDDLE SCHOOL (drama) to unfold on our way home or at the dinner table. The peer pressure that our kids deal with is enough to make them feel horrible in side. Some of this peer pressure leads to kids shying away even more from their parents because they feel like –they just will not understand. There is also a lot more teenage suicide. Some may say “How can a kid be stressed out when all they have to do is go school?” Well, lets see. Once your child hits puberty, their attitudes seem to change. Some may even rebel, or worse, become sexually active. Some say , not my kid. Well, how would you know if you don’t have a relationship with your daughter or son? We, as parents, sometimes get so caught up in our own world that we forget that our children may have something on their minds that they need to talk about.

Its time for us to communicate better with our children and their friends. Let them know that we are here whenever they may need an ear. We also have to keep an open mind. Don’t fly off the handle when your kid tells you what’s going on with them or a friend. Offer opinions or solutions. Remember, we are dealing with young adults now. They are communicating with you. It would be better for all parties involved to keep the lines of communication open. Once that bond is broken, its hard to get back.

Mother’s, talk to your girls about respecting themselves. Our girls have to understand that they can attract negative attention by the way they dress and speak. Let them know what they should look for in a young man when its time to choose a prom dates. Also let them know what not to put up with. They need to know how to weed out the gentlemen from those that have bad intentions.

Father’s, talk to your boys about appearance and respect. We should not see underwear, and they should not be calling these young ladies anything but their names. Tell and show them, how women are to be treated, what to do and what not to do. They must remember, respect is paramount and first impressions go a long way.

Parent’s two great books for reference are:

Take Back Your Family: How to Raise Respectful and Loving Kids in a Dysfunctional World by Rev. Run, Justine Simmons, and Chris Morrow

Take Back Your Family: A Challenge to America's Parents by Rev. Run, Justine Simmons, and Chris Morrow

Addressing Fellow Parents...We are all in this together

My daughter and I have the type of relationship that mom’s dream of. My little lady is a fourteen-year-old honor roll student getting ready to embark on her high school years. She’s excited and nervous all at the same time. Will I make new friends, will I make the cheer team, will I be able to continue my honors courses with all that high school pressure? Can you say STRESSFUL? Remember, I said that my daughter is fourteen. Parents, lets face it. Our kids deal with a ton of stress, and you may not even be aware of it. Everyday my husband and I sound like a broken record. How was school? Anything happen? Anything you want to talk about? We then sit back and wait for the latest MIDDLE SCHOOL (drama) to unfold on our way home or at the dinner table. The peer pressure that our kids deal with is enough to make them feel horrible in side. Some of this peer pressure leads to kids shying away even more from their parents because they feel like –they just will not understand. There is also a lot more teenage suicide. Some may say “How can a kid be stressed out when all they have to do is go school?” Well, lets see. Once your child hits puberty, their attitudes seem to change. Some may even rebel, or worse, become sexually active. Some say , not my kid. Well, how would you know if you don’t have a relationship with your daughter or son? We, as parents, sometimes get so caught up in our own world that we forget that our children may have something on their minds that they need to talk about.

Its time for us to communicate better with our children and their friends. Let them know that we are here whenever they may need an ear. We also have to keep an open mind. Don’t fly off the handle when your kid tells you what’s going on with them or a friend. Offer opinions or solutions. Remember, we are dealing with young adults now. They are communicating with you. It would be better for all parties involved to keep the lines of communication open. Once that bond is broken, its hard to get back.

Mother’s, talk to your girls about respecting themselves. Our girls have to understand that they can attract negative attention by the way they dress and speak. Let them know what they should look for in a young man when its time to choose a prom dates. Also let them know what not to put up with. They need to know how to weed out the gentlemen from those that have bad intentions.

Father’s, talk to your boys about appearance and respect. We should not see underwear, and they should not be calling these young ladies anything but their names. Tell and show them, how women are to be treated, what to do and what not to do. They must remember, respect is paramount and first impressions go a long way.

Parent’s two great books for reference are:

Take Back Your Family: How to Raise Respectful and Loving Kids in a Dysfunctional World by Rev. Run, Justine Simmons, and Chris Morrow

Take Back Your Family: A Challenge to America's Parents by Rev. Run, Justine Simmons, and Chris Morrow

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Donna Hill

Visit to check out our interview with award winning author Donna Hill.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

We have to do BETTER.......

My daughter just celebrated her 14th birthday. She and a few friends celebrated at a local arcade/restaurant, and I was really amazed at how many parents actually drop their kids off (ALONE). A friend and I sat and watched young ladies strutting around with their hind parts hanging out of their pants or short skirts, boys on their arms or just standing behind them smiling away at what their seeing. How does a parent think that this attire is OK? Ok some may say that the kids may actually be hiding this other set of clothing from the parent, but as a parent do you check on your kids?? What's going into the washer or being hung in the closet? The later it got the more kids we saw coming in ...unaccompanied. How do you drop your 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 year olds off where so much mischief can happen? OK I'm not naive here I know if a kid wants to do something they will make it happen, but why make it easy for them??

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Harlem Book Fair

The Review Magazine will host a bus tour to the Harlem Book Fair in July 16-17. We are trying to get a head count of those who may want to attend. There will be more information to follow in the next few weeks on ticket, and hotel arrangements. Please provide the following If your... part of a book club # attending.
please email:
***Bus will leave Chesapeake, VA****

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Review Reader said...........

I just got a chance to read the interview. Enjoyed it!!! DeBerry and Grant are now two authors I enjoy reading. A couple of weeks ago I got the book "What doesn't Kill you", just picked it up on a wime. Finished that novel and got "Gotta Keep on Tryn' " which I did my fiction report in my english class. So I am
really looking forward to the new novel and plan to venture back and read
Tryin' to Sleep in the Bed You Made.

The Review Mag reader A. Peyton

March Contest

Review Mag– March Contest

Here’s your chance to win a copy of DeBerry & Grant’s new book “UPTOWN”. Answer the following questions with the correct book title to be entered into a drawing for 1 of 5 copies of “UPTOWN”. Forward your answers to
The winner will be announced on March 22 here on our blog.

1. What prompted the decision to write a sequel to Tryin’ to Sleep in the Bed You Made?

2. What is it that drives Tiffani to go to Marcus?

3. What inspired you to write a novel set in the world of real estate development in New York City?

4. Tell me about the YOUR BEST BROKE STORY

5. What is DeBerry/Grant’s 7th book???

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Black History Fact #28

1951 - New York City Council passes bill prohibiting racial discrimination
New York City Council passed bill prohibiting racial discrimination in city-assisted housing developments.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Black History Fact #27

Phillis Wheatley was a slave child of seven or eight and sold to John and Susanna Wheatley in Boston on July 11, 1761. Her first name was apparently derived from the ship that carried her to America, The Phillis.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: During her life, while it was not common for American women to be published, it was especially uncommon for children of slaves to be educated at all. Her gift of writing poetry was encouraged by her owners and their daughter, Mary; they taught Phillis to read and write, with her first poem being published at the age of twelve, "On Messrs. Hussey and Coffin." The countess of Huntingdon, Selina Hastings, was a friend of the Wheatley's who greatly encouraged and financed the publication of her book of poetry, Poems. Obour Tanner, a former slave who made the journey through the middle passage with Phillis also was one of the chief influences and supporters of Phillis' craft.

She was especially fond of writing in the elegiac poetry style, perhaps mirroring the genre of oration taught to her through the women in her African American tribal group. Her elegy on a popular evangelical Methodist minister, George Whitefield, brought her instant success upon his death. She also was well versed in Latin which allowed her to write in the epyllion (short epic) style with the publication of "Niobe in Distress."

Phillis' popularity as a poet both in the United States and England ultimately brought her freedom from slavery on October 18, 1773. She even appeared before General Washington in March, 1776 for her poetry and was a strong supporter of independence during the Revolutionary War. She felt slavery to be the issue which separated whites from true heroism: whites can not "hope to find/Deivine acceptance with th' Almighty mind" when "they disgrace/And hold in bondage Afric's blameless race."

Phyllis is remembered for many first time accomplishments from a woman of her day:

First African American to publish a book
An accomplished African American woman of letters
First African American woman to earn a living from her writing
First woman writer encouraged and financed by a group of women (Mrs. Wheatley, Mary Wheatly, and Selina Hastings.)

Friday, February 26, 2010

Black History Fact #26

Garvey, Marcus (1887–1940), social activist and journalist. As a major figure of the Harlem Renaissance, Marcus Garvey was in the vanguard of the new awakening among African Americans. Although his philosophy was at odds with other leading figures of the era, such as W. E. B. Du Bois, his influence could not be abated. Promoting his ideals in the art of oratory and through his newspapers, first Negro World and later the Blackman, Garvey has influenced almost every generation of African American writers since.

Images depicting the destructive element in racial prejudice, one of the cornerstones of Garvey's ideology, were initially seen when major fiction writers of the Harlem Renaissance, such as Nella Larsen, grappled with the infirmities of ““color”” prejudice. In Larsen's so-called passing novels, Quicksand (1928) and Passing (1929), mulattoes move into the white world to escape personal oppression and limited opportunity. As is typical in Garveyism, this social mobility leads to selfhate and racial ambivalence.

Richard Wright and his school of fiction writers was the next group to depict the struggle of African Americans against social and political forces. Richard Wright's Bigger Thomas in Native Son (1940), for example, is an ““Everyman”” motif for social, political, and cultural disenfranchisement of African Americans. Bigger acquires self-pride and faces his troubles through the aid of two white males, both unlikely cohorts, and becomes the folk hero often created through the use of Garveyism.

The next generation of writers displaying Garveyism might be termed the precursors of the Black Arts Movement. Extending James Baldwin's protest themes in Nobody Knows My Name (1960) and The Fire Next Time (1963), the aggressive poets of the sixties, such as Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones), decry the destructive environment of the northern ghetto and portray Garvey's contempt for such dehumanizing existence. Beyond the 1960s, an aesthetic perspective that embraces the racial loyalty and pride found in Garveyism is seen in works such as Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye (1970). Thus, the influence of the Garvey social and political movement continues.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Black History Fact #25

Hiram Rhoades Revels

Born Sept. 1, 1822, Fayetteville, N.C., U.S. — died Jan. 16, 1901, Aberdeen, Miss.) U.S. clergyman and politician. The son of free blacks, he traveled to Indiana and Illinois to receive the education that was denied him in the South. Ordained a minister, he became a pastor and principal of a Baltimore school for African Americans. In the American Civil War he helped organize African American volunteer regiments for the Union army. After the war he moved to Natchez, Miss., and was elected state senator in 1869. In 1870 he was elected to the U.S. Senate to fill the unexpired term of Jefferson Davis, becoming the first African American elected to that body. He later served as president of Alcorn A&M College (1871 – 74, 1876 – 83).

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Black History Fact #24

Harriet Ann Jacobs (1813 – 1897) was a slave who published “Incidents in the Life of A Slave Girl” in 1861 under the pseudonym Linda Brent. The book chronicles the hardships and sexual abuse she experienced as a female growing up in slavery. Jacobs fled slavery in 1835 by hiding in a crawlspace in her grandmother’s attic for nearly seven years before traveling to Philadelphia by boat, and eventually to New York. Jacobs was active in feminist anti-slavery movements.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Black History Fact #23

Ray Charles Robinson (1930 – 2004) a musical genius and pioneer in blending gospel and the blues shortened his name to just Ray Charles to prevent confusion with the great boxer Sugar Ray Robinson. Ray Charles began going blind at an early age and was completely blind by the time he was 7 years old, but has never relied upon a cane, or a guide dog. He was one of the first inductees into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame at its inaugural ceremony in 1986.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Black History Fact #22

Charles Drew (1904 - 1950)

Charles Drew discovered techniques to store blood and developed blood banks.
Black American physician and surgeon who was an authority on the preservation of human blood for transfusion.

Drew was educated at Amherst College (graduated 1926), McGill University, Montreal (1933), and Columbia University (1940). While earning his doctorate at Columbia in the late 1930s, he conducted research into the properties and preservation of blood plasma. He soon developed efficient ways to process and store large quantities of blood plasma in “blood banks.” As the leading authority in the field, he organized and directed the blood-plasma programs of the United States and Great Britain in the early years of World War II, while also agitating the authorities to stop excluding the blood of blacks from plasma-supply networks.Drew resigned his official posts in 1942 after the armed forces ruled that the blood of blacks would be accepted but would have to be stored separately from that of whites. He then became a surgeon and professor of medicine at Freedmen's Hospital, Washington, D.C., and Howard University (1942–50). He was fatally injured in an automobile accident in 1950.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Black History Fact #21

George T. Sampson invented a clothes dryer that used heat from a stove in 1892.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Black History Fact #20

C.B. Brooks invented the street sweeper in 1896. It was a truck equipped with brooms.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Black History Fact #19

Harlem: The Black Mecca

Housing executives planned to create neighborhoods in Harlem designed specifically for white workers who wanted to commute into the city. Developers grew overambitious, however, and housing grew more rapidly than the transportation necessary to bring residents into the downtown area. The once exclusive district was abandoned by the white middle-class, and frustrated developers were forced to cope with lower purchase prices than they first anticipated. White Harlem landlords started selling their properties to black real estate agents such as Philip A. Payton, John E. Nail, and Henry C. Parker. They also began renting directly to black tenants.

Meanwhile, the re-development and gentrification of midtown pushed many blacks out of the Metropolitan area. As a result, African-Americans began moving to Harlem en masse; between 1900 and 1920 the number of blacks in the New York City neighborhood doubled. By the time the planned subway system and roadways reached Harlem, many of the country's best and brightest black advocates, artists, entrepreneurs, and intellectuals had situated themselves in Harlem. They brought with them not only the institutions and businesses necessary to support themselves, but a vast array of talents and ambitions. The area soon became known as “the Black Mecca” and “the capital of black America.”

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Black History Fact #18

In 1915, Dr. Carter G. Woodson and Rev. Jesse E. Moorland co-founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH). Their goal was to research and bring awareness to the largely ignored, yet crucial role black people played in American and world history. The following year, Woodson published and distributed his findings in The Journal of Negro History. He founded the publication with the hope that it would dispel popular mistruths. He also hoped to educate black people about their cultural background and instill them with a sense of pride in their race.

The son of former slaves and the second black person to receive a degree from Harvard University, Carter Woodson understood the value of education. He also felt the importance of preserving one's heritage and, upon his urgings, the fraternity Omega Psi Phi created Negro History and Literature Week in 1920. In 1926, Woodson changed the name to Negro History Week. He selected the month of February for the celebration as a way to honor of the birth of two men whose actions drastically altered the future of black Americans. Abraham Lincoln, the U.S. President who issued the Emancipation Proclamation was born on February 12th and Frederick Douglass, one of the nation's leading abolitionists was born on February 14th.

Woodson and the ANSLH provided learning materials to teachers, black history clubs and the community at large. They also published photographs that depicted important figures in black culture, plays that dramatized black history, and reading materials.

Dr. Carter G. Woodson died in 1950, but his legacy continued on as the celebration of Negro History Week was adopted by cities and organizations across the country. This observance proved especially important during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s, a time when the inhumane and unequal treatment of black people in America was being challenged and overturned.

The Black Power Movement of the 1970s emphasized racial pride and the significance of collective cultural values. This prompted the ASNLH, now called the Association for the Study of African American Life and History, to change Negro History Week to Black History Week. In 1976, they extended the week to a month-long observance.

Black History Month is now recognized and widely celebrated by the entire nation on both a scholarly and commercial level. The Association for the Study of African American Life and History continues to promote, preserve and research black history and culture year-round.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Black History Fact #17

Arthur Ashe

First black man to win a Wimbledon singles title, defeating Jimmy Connors in 1975.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Black History Fact #16

Thurgood Marshall
First African-American appointed to the Supreme Court, in 1963.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Black History Fact #15

The Tuskegee Airmen were the first African-American pilots in the U.S. armed forces. Beginning in 1941, select groups of extensively tested and rigorously trained African-Americans were trained at The Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. The Tuskegee Airmen are depicted in the G.I. Joe action figure series.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Black History Fact #14

Richard Theodore Greener (1844 - 1922), was the first African-American graduate from Harvard in 1870. He started out at Oberlin college, the first American college to admit African-Americans and went on to become a lawyer.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Black History Fact #13

Jesse Jackson (1941 - ) successfully negotiated the release of Lieutenant Robert O. Goodman, Jr., an African-American pilot who had been shot down over Syria and taken hostage in 1983.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Black History Fact #12

February 12, 1909

On this day - The National Association for The Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is a civil rights organization founded in 1909 by 60 black and white citizens. It helps prevent unjust acts,and set equality for all minorites. It achieved major success in the arts, business,and other fields. Currently, it is trying to abolish the "N-word" in the Websters dictionary which depicts the word as a black person.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Black History Fact #11

John Love invented the pencil sharpener in 1897.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Black History Fact #10

Shirley Chisholm was the first African American woman elected to the House of Representatives. She was elected in 1968 and represented the state of New York. She broke ground again four years later in 1972 when she was the first major party African-American candidate and the first female candidate for president of the United States.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

ReKaya Gibson Virtual Book Tour

Book Excerpt


CHAPTER 1 – Down to the Nitty-Gritty


Ambrosia rushes over to take his order.
“Good morning, Mr. Richards!”
“I’ll take the usual.”
“Okay, no problem.”
Fifteen minutes later, Ambrosia returns with his order—and the grits.
“Here you go, sir. Enjoy.”
As usual, Norris arranges everything before diving in. He looks at the yellowish substance dotted with red specks, pokes his spoon into it, and examines the mysterious stuff.
“Cheesy grits, how nice,” he comments in his sardonic manner.
First, Norris eats his eggs and bacon together. He bites into his toast, and sips his coffee. He repeats this process until one piece of toast is gone. Norris picks up the last piece, but puts it down to try the grits instead. He feels someone watching him, so he looks toward the kitchen. Inez stares at him, anticipating disappointment. Ambrosia, washing down a table near the counter, expects a miracle. Of course, their intent looks do not faze him.
He nibbles on the grits and sets his spoon down on the table, picks up the plate and lowers his nose to get a whiff, inhaling like a serious pothead. His eyes twinkle. He grabs the spoon and licks it clean. He dives in and withdraws a heap of goodness. As he opens his mouth, Ambrosia studies his full lips, noticing them for the first time. The pepper sauce—that she stirred in before serving—explodes in his mouth. He closes his eyes for a moment. A teardrop falls from his left eye as the cheese tickles his tongue.
As long as Norris has been coming to the café, the serving staff has never seen him eat anything except eggs, bacon, unbuttered toast, and black coffee—until now.
“What the hell?” He chokes out, “This is actually good.” Then louder, “Waitress, oh waitress! Who made this?”
Ambrosia smiles shyly and says, “I did. Want more?”
He nods and says, “Sounds good to me.”
“You can have some every day when you come in.”
Norris places his money on the table, and as he turns to leave the restaurant, calls out, “I’ll see you tomorrow, Ambrosia.” He walks out with a little pep in his step. Ambrosia is proud of herself. She never knows how her food will affect men and for how long. She already notices a positive change in his behavior. She hopes to reap the benefits of future alterations. She cannot wait to see him again.
The next morning, Norris sits down at his special table, smiling. The servers look at each other in amazement. Instantly, Ambrosia appears at his table.
“Good morning, Ambrosia!”
“Hello, Mr. Richards.”
“I’ll have the, and the cheese grits.”
“Certainly, sir.”
“Yes.” She thinks, This is it.
“I’ll have a small glass of orange juice with my meal today.”
“Why, Mr. Richards, you devil, you.” She heads toward the counter to pick up his food.
“Here you go. Enjoy.”
Norris eats his food like a typical man, without arranging it on the table and eating it in order. Ambrosia is happy that her plan seems to be working. She cannot wait to go on a date with Norris.
She watches him eat his food as she delivers a tray to the customers standing near the front door. He starts with the grits, alternating bites with the rest of his food. Norris closes his eyes and moves his head from side to side, similar to Stevie Wonder.
It’s really gone to his head.
Take it easy, big boy. That stuff is potent. Norris finishes his meal and motions Ambrosia to his table.
“Ambrosia, that was another great meal. Would you consider going out with me?”
She manages to say, “What?”
“Will you go out with me? You caught my eye when you fell with grace at the farmer’s market. I’ve been checking you out since then. So, what do you say?”
“Yes, I’ll go on a date with you.”
“Let’s meet at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday at Copeland’s. I hear they have a good champagne brunch. Here’s my phone number. Give me a call so we can get to know each other a little better before we go out.”
Ambrosia is almost speechless. “Okay, talk to you later.”

Black History Fact # 9

Michael Jackson (1958 -2009) singer, songwriter, and entertainer extraordinaire, was nominated for 12 Grammy awards and won a record breaking eight in 1984. He has received 13 Grammy awards in his career, and is a double inductee into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (as part of the Jackson 5 and as a solo artist). He holds the title of Most Top 10 Singles from an album for Thriller (1982) and the Most #1 Singles from an album for Bad (1987).

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Black History Fact #8

Wilma Rudolph (1940 -1994)

A record breaking track star was born the 20th of 22 children, and stricken with polio as a child. She not only overcame polio but broke world records in three Olympic track events and was the first American woman to win three gold medals at the Olympics (1960).


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Black History Fact #7

Shirley Chisholm was the first African American woman elected to the House of Representatives. She was elected in 1968 and represented the state of New York. She broke ground again four years later in 1972 when she was the first major party African-American candidate and the first female candidate for president of the United States.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Black History Fact #6

The black population of the United States in 1870 was 4.8 million; in 2007, the number of black residents of the United States, including those of more than one race, was 40.7 million.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Black History Fact #5

Hiram Rhodes Revels was the first African American ever elected to the United States Senate. He represented the state of Mississippi from February 1870 to March 1871.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Black History Fact #4 Famous Cookies

1975 -

On this year in history Wally Amos “Famous Amos” creator of the Famous Amos chocolate chip cookies, opened his first free standing cookie store on Sunset Blvd in CA. Wally Amos was also became the first black talent agent in the history of the William Morris Agency.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Black History Fact #3 First African American to ever win an Oscar

February 29, 1940

On this day in hisrtory, Hattie McDaniel became the first African American woman to win an Oscar. Hattie McDaniel won an Oscar for her role as Mammy in Gone with the Wind.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Black History Fact #2 The Ice cream Scoop

While working in Pittsburgh as a porter Alfred L. Cralle noticed that the popular treat ice cream, was difficult to dispense. It stuck to spoons and ladles and usually required two hands and at least two implements to serve.

Cralle invented a mechanical device now known as the ice cream scoop and applied for a patent. On February 2, 1897, the 30-year old was granted U.S. Patent #576395.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The History of Black History Month

February 1, 1926

Black History Month owes its existence to Carter G. Woodson. What is now known as Black History Month was first celebrated on this date as Negro History Week by Carter G. Woodson. It became a month long celebration 50 years later in 1976.

February was chosen because two prominent leaders shared February as their birth month. Those two leaders were Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass...... Let's remember those that paved the way for us, and celebrate (Black History 365).

Black History Month

In honor of black history month there will be a different black history fact added to our blog. Please visit daily for a new fact.

The Review Mag

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Nothing Special Just Friends

Nothing Special Just Friends
By Toni Staton Harris

Can men and women be platonic friends? Silver James and Brandan Savoy say absolutely. But when new love interests enter into their lives, what will their hearts say? Will they find themselves and true self-love? Or will their friendship dissipate into a maze of uncertainty. Find out in Nothing Special...Just Friends...

Purchase at Amazon:

Putting It Back Together

Putting It Back Together
By Rhonda Lawson

Alexis White just wants to help put things back together. As a pediatrician, she returns to her beloved city of New Orleans to treat children affected by Hurricane Katrina. Although the financial rewards are small, she is glad to be home, in a place where she can restore her soul and hopefully mend her broken heart. After recently ending an engagement, Alexis secretly wonders how her life would have turned out if she had married Reggie, her first love......


Dreams That Won't Let Go

Dreams That Won't Let Go - By Stacy Hawkins Adams

Indigo Burns' wedding preparations to the man of her dreams are underway, her photography career is a success, and her family seems to be doing better than ever—all except her brother Reuben, who nobody has seen in years. But that’s about to change.

When Reuben decides to move back home to Jubilant, Texas, he hopes to find healing with his sisters. But Indigo isn’t so sure their relationship can be mended. And when younger sister Yasmin makes a life-altering choice, it seems like only a miracle can put the Burns family back together.

Will these siblings – and the rest of their family - ever be able love unconditionally and release each other to live their dreams?


Blessed: Therapy

Author: Jennifer 'Je' Dixon Wilford

Book synopsis

Blessed: Therapy is the long awaited book of freelance Graphic Designer, Jennifer 'Je' Dixon Wilford. After losing her father in January 25, 2008, she lost her mother 10 months later on November 9, 2008. Je' states that her parents' death, gave her a chance a new chance at life, because she walked away from nearly 20 years of being in the alternative (lesbian) lifestyle.

Looking for direction and peace of mind, she began writing, which became her form of therapy. "Anything that you have and you want it to be a success, you must keep God first", says Je'. Journey with her, through her eyes, as she takes you on the most difficult path she has ever had to cross in life. You will laugh, you will cry and you will be blessed.

Contact Info Email Website

Available on:,,

Friday, January 1, 2010

Welcome to The Review Mag

From the Editor...

With months of work complete, we would like to introduce The Review
Magazine, a free digital magazine. Our mission here at Review is to bring
readers, and authors together, and to provide a literary melting pot for
African American authors and readers to come together. With almost ten years of experience in the literary world Kenyatta Ingram, founder of
SistaGirl Book Club, has branched out and found yet another way to help African American Authors voices be heard.

The Review will not just provide advertising for authors, and publishers,
but great articles from published authors and feedback from their readers, as well. It will celebrate the many accomplishments of African American authors and Book Clubs around the world. We hope to provide African Americans with a foundation for rebuilding.... Rebuilding pride in
ourselves, rebuilding our relationships, and rebuilding our families. A
journey begins with one step.... let The Review help you begin your journey and accompany you in your travels.

Kenyatta Ingram