Sunday, March 21, 2010

We have to do BETTER.......

My daughter just celebrated her 14th birthday. She and a few friends celebrated at a local arcade/restaurant, and I was really amazed at how many parents actually drop their kids off (ALONE). A friend and I sat and watched young ladies strutting around with their hind parts hanging out of their pants or short skirts, boys on their arms or just standing behind them smiling away at what their seeing. How does a parent think that this attire is OK? Ok some may say that the kids may actually be hiding this other set of clothing from the parent, but as a parent do you check on your kids?? What's going into the washer or being hung in the closet? The later it got the more kids we saw coming in ...unaccompanied. How do you drop your 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 year olds off where so much mischief can happen? OK I'm not naive here I know if a kid wants to do something they will make it happen, but why make it easy for them??

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